The southern half of Cardigan Bay is an important summer feeding and breeding area for these animals. They use these waters for nurturing and feeding their young, socialising and resting. They can also be frequently seen tail slapping and breaching – leaping several metres out of the water!

Bottlenose dolphins reach sexual maturity at about twelve years of age and females give birth to a single calf between April and October. Calves are dependent on their mothers’ milk for about two years, and usually stay with their mothers until they are around six years of age. During this time the juveniles must learn how to catch their prey, how to avoid dangers, and how to find their way around their home range. Bottlenose dolphins can live for up to fifty years. 

Bottlenose dolphins are opportunistic feeders, they can adapt their feeding behaviour to local conditions and food sources. They feed on a wide range of both schooling and bottom-dwelling species of fish, and also squid and crustaceans.